fine tuning your business ecosystem for growth + profit
clarity + power + freedom
Let’s make this fun.
For the full experience, crank up the Agile Rainmakers playlist as you cruise the site:
Agile Rainmakers in a nutshell:
We like vacations as much as the next guy.
And we also love the good, happy feeling we get when a business is given all the right conditions to live its best life.
It’s a beautiful thing to behold.
We love getting to know the unique ecosphere a business represents and then making the small adjustment over here, fertilizing over there, watering the roots daily...and seeing the carefully managed growth result in a lush, thriving thing of beauty.
Every growing thing requires a special kind of care to thrive.
And business leaders? We help you pick and surf the right waves, coaching you on the nuances that take you from pretty good wave rider…to master surfer.
Hi, I'm Rob Khoury, founder of Agile Rainmakers, a high-impact business development consulting and advisory firm.
I work with extraordinary business leaders ready to do the disciplined thinking and work it takes to develop real mastery. This is as much art as it is science.
I may come across as a down-to-earth numbers dude, but I’m all about
making things happen…
producing unpredictably awesome results.
If you and I wind up working together, we won’t take ourselves too seriously…but we’ll get some serious work done. Promise.
My strategic partners and I can help you bring clarity and power to growing a great business. Which results in an awesome sense of freedom.
How does that grab ya?

“Rob’s someone who brings the rain, the wealth, makes the valley fertile. He’s got the connections to make you successful—the connections to build and scale your business.”
— John Mattox, CFO, Fractal Wealth
Work with us and succeed the Agile Rainmakers way:
clarity + power + freedom = a pretty sweet life.
Ride your wave.
A successful business is as much about what you’re not doing as what you are. Where does your focus need to be? What’s your unique selling proposition? What’s the plan? With Agile Rainmakers, you get expert guidance in which waves to take…how to maintain your balance…and how to develop your own sixth surfer sense.
Grow your business.
Your business is its own ecosphere, and it needs careful tending. When you create the right growing conditions for your particular enterprise, the result is a lush, thriving space that feels like it was destined to be there. How would it feel to tap into that kind of business success?
Feel the freedom.
Life is fleeting. There is much to do, much to experience, much to appreciate…with your business being a significant piece of a bigger whole. Part of the Agile Rainmakers philosophy is that your business should, ultimately, be serving you, and not the other way around. That sense of balance and freedom is sweet indeed.

“You can’t get time back, so you might as well enjoy your work. I believe in making epic challenges fun. For me, fun is people coming together as a team to overcome big challenges that lead to breakthrough results and new opportunities—and throughout the process, experiencing freedom and abundance..”
— Rob Khoury
With Agile Rainmakers, you get masterful business minds ready to look at your particular business and situation...and able to calmly discern where you need to lean, pivot and shift to grow your business and ride your wave.
Ready for the clarity, power and freedom that show up when you’re in your element…
and a business is run like that?

What would it be like if your business made you that fulfilled and happy?
What People Are Saying
“I see him as a leader—a human being who is invested in the success of others 100 percent of the time, every time. I see peace and organization and drive within the employees because of Rob’s services. Even though it wasn’t a million-dollar firm yet, Agile Rainmakers treated it like it was. The attitude was, ‘This is going to be a firm that grows, a successful firm.’
Rob remains an inspiration for me, and I’d love to model myself as a leader like him.”
— Dalia Thomas, COO, GI Partners of Illinois, LLC
“Rob is really, really smart—usually the smartest person in the room. But he’s also one of the humblest people in the room.
We’re a female-led business, and we get lots of ‘Well, ladies, let me tell you how to run your business: You should do this.’ We get a lot of that. To have Rob, who is completely the opposite of that, was really, really refreshing.”
— Dr. Cathy Key, COO, World Tree
“He’s a professional investor with a solid finance background, and he knows how to rip things apart and do the due diligence.
I’ve introduced him to people who were missing strategy, missing on the operational side, missing finance. Why? He’s passionate about companies he works with, very strategic, and a great guy. And when he makes a promise, he delivers.”
— Amir Homayoun Rafizadeh, Network Sommelier | Principal at 678 Partners | Family Office Advisor

You don't have to do it alone.
How can we help?
Sometimes all you require for big success is a trusted advisor to guide you—which waves to ride, who to take with you, how to proceed.
If needed, we’re totally up for diving into your world with you and helping you grow your business. Let’s partner up to make it happen.
Starter Packages
Want to experience the Agile Rainmakers method firsthand? Try one of our powerful packages designed to get you to the next level.
The right message delivered in the right way can change a life. That’s what we shoot for every time the mic is on. How can we serve you?