t h e b l o g
Joyful Collisions
Alumni Day at Princeton is always inspiring. Truly extraordinary students and alumni are acknowledged. The work these people do is stunning, including serving as a public interest technology summer fellow in D.C., researching the Third Law of Black Hole Thermodynamics, or, my favorite, inventing something called the internet. They each demonstrate the energy, drive, and wherewithal to make a long lasting impact.
An Inspiring Brook
Ever feel something that you didn’t expect to feel? You find yourself acting in a way that makes you wonder just what is going on with you. You are just doing your thing – then a drop of inspiration washes over you like an unexpected rain shower might commence. It happened to me recently and it’s insightful.
Abundant Waters (Intern Edition)
Join me today on a journey of abundance and see what you see. Yes. Give up what you tell yourself about scarcity, not enough, never quite there, and some day but alas not this day. Let it all go and free yourself of your own limitations. That’s what this newsletter is all about.
Agile Surfing (Intern Edition)
If you ever learned to ride a bike or a wave, you know there was something you had to learn that no one in the world could teach you. Sure, you had to learn how to shift your weight and how to keep your eyes locked forward. But the most important thing to learn others could only tell you about. What is it and how does it apply to business, life, and internships?
Drenched In Appreciation
There is no limit to the number of things you can be grateful for in business and life, once you get started thinking that way. Why? Because the more grateful you are, the more here in the moment you become. You then start to see things as they are and realize what a gift your life truly is.
A Water Injection, Doctor
There is a curious phenomenon in business and life that is so powerful that scientists have to take it into account, even though they don’t know exactly how or why it works. The medical profession has been on to it for hundreds of years, so they have instituted all kinds of ways to control for it. Let’s take a look and see how much it applies beyond the doctor’s office, shall we please?
Main Stream (Intern Edition)
The definition of mainstream is “the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts.” While attitudes are “a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.” So, what is your attitude or stand regarding the mainstream?
Swimming Lane
Doesn’t it feel like you work in a lane? If you are a solopreneur, you have felt that from the moment you dove in. If you are in a large corporation, you found this out quite some time ago when you realized there’s a deep end where your feet never touch bottom. All of us are in a lane swimming until we see the “T” marker at the end. But what’s beyond this shallow view?
Springfield Compounded
There are 8 places in the U.S. named Springfield. They are located in the following states: Massachusetts, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Vermont. Its origins are interesting and tie into a new phenomenon today.
Drinking Water
I imagine every reader was in a crib at some point early on in life. What a safe comforting space to get rest and feel prepared for what’s next. At the time, we may have been restless - perhaps a touch moodier - so we may not have appreciated the moment as we might now. The source of our rejuvenation was overlooked then and often is now.
Nothing But Blue Skies
Doesn’t it feel like clouds are becoming more and more integral to business and life? For decades I have felt that trend. In my youth the big cotton balls of low flying clouds were a source of joy and wonder. There was comfort to be found in seeing them in the air. Today, it is different. We must think about clouds more deeply. So, here we go…
Logging On (Intern Edition)
My internship at Agile Rainmakers was exhilarating, scary, and in the end, refreshing – much like the big splash at the end of a log ride on a hot summer day. But a lot happens before reaching the final drop. Let me tell you about it…
Beach Time
Summer is finally here and it feels like the beach is the place to be. Beaches are so calming to be on that just imagining a beach for a few moments can be relaxing. I just let out a deep breath picturing a white sandy beach. Beaches have a very strong connection to business and life.
Dam Impressive (Intern Edition)
In business and life we often expect things to go smoothly. Somehow we feel that everything should go according to plan. Then, we find something getting in the way and we are left feeling down. But what if the twists and turns and stoppages actually served a purpose? Now that would be an interesting perspective – and that’s what we found.
Sparkling Water Anyone? (Intern Edition)
A flight attendant asked recently if anyone wanted sparkling water. It got me thinking, just what exactly is sparkling water. I mean, water is water, isn’t it? What else could it be? Then it got me thinking about interns. I mean, an intern is an intern, aren’t they? What differences could there be, really?
Heavy Water
Heavy in business and life is how things feel lately. No matter where one sails, one finds significant challenges spanning numerous aspects of life simultaneously. To succeed in business and life, regardless of circumstances, I have found it important for me to lighten up. It takes some of the weight off. Besides, when it comes to business and life – just like water – you would rather not be unnaturally heavy.
Water For Peace Of Mind
Tomorrow is World Water Day. Let’s celebrate! The theme this year is Water For Peace. Why? Because sharing water resources leads to peace while hoarding water can cause the ultimate water damage - war. Apparently, water never got the memo that the world is split into nations with borders that are taken very seriously. It is a curious thing. We have erected borders to compartmentalize a natural world that – come hell or high water – won’t cooperate. How is compartmentalizing business and life impacting you?
Rein in Your Rain
It rained in Chicago last week. It felt like outside was anything but a happy place to be. Yet, if it never felt that way, if it never rained, we wouldn’t enjoy the lush greenery we see every day in this incredible city. I have found resisting rain to be unfruitful. Water is needed for life and without rainy days from time to time, things do dry up. Learning to embrace rain consistently is where the magic begins.
Did you know it takes about 90,840 drops of water to make a gallon? And, a milliliter is made up of 20 drops. So, a drop ain’t much. Yet, somehow drop by drop, things can change dramatically in business and life. With each droplet something different starts to emerge – for better or worse. When you stop and think about it, these tiny collections of water molecules have everything to do with business and life.
Supertubos! (Intern Edition)
A fishing town in Portugal has a very famous beach. It is where monster waves come right up to the beach before crashing. There are few places in the world that rival Peniche. Some incredible barrels there lead to surfing so good the beach is worthy of an international competition held annually. Never heard of it? I assume you haven’t. I hadn’t either until recently. After all, there are millions of beaches around the world. Sometimes someone has to tell you about something spectacular so you can discover it.