Over his years of experience in the financial and consulting industries, Robert J. Khoury has developed a diverse and informative array of knowledge that he is eager to share with younger generations.
His dedication to inspiring and assisting others was what led him to write his first book in a series on internships, as well as motivated him to engage and connect directly with students through various public speaking events.
Interview with John Lothian News on Successful Internships
Robert J. Khoury spoke with John Lothian News over Zoom on October 22, 2021 to discuss his new book, How to Intern Successfully: Insights and Actions to Optimize Your Experience. They discussed what motivated Robert to write the book and what he’s learned about successful internships through his experiences both being an intern and hiring them.
Speaking to College Students at DePaul and North Park Universities
Mr. Khoury at North Park University on October 26, 2021.
With summer internship applications just around the corner for many college students, Robert J. Khoury spoke to economics and business students at both DePaul and North Park Universities in Chicago this fall. He spoke about how to prepare for, apply to, and then create an optimal experience during an internship.
He engaged them through a useful thought exercise to assist students in overcoming whatever anxieties they may have about approaching the internship process, and left them with some key takeaways to assist them in making the most of their formative experiences.
Mr. Khoury at DePaul University on October 19, 2021.
Mr. Khoury with Jennifer Kramer, Former Director of Events at DePaul University.
Speaking to Princeton Alumni Groups
Mr. Khoury speaking to the Princeton Club of North West New Jersey and Virginia on November 18, 2021.
Robert J. Khoury recently spoke to three Princeton alumni groups and their college-age family members. He spoke about how to begin and succeed in the internship process.
On October 20, 2021, Mr. Khoury was interviewed by his Princeton classmate David Sternberg as he spoke to the Princeton Class of 1990, and on November 18, 2021, he spoke with the Princeton Club of North West New Jersey and Virginia to encourage college students, and their supportive families, to go into the internship process with excitement, integrity, and an open mind.
Mr. Khoury speaking to alumni of the Princeton Class of 1990 on October 20, 2021.
Princeton Alumni Day Internship Pizza Dinner
Mr. Khoury with Benjamin Cai ‘24, business manager for the Daily Princetonian, at an internship discussion and pizza dinner for students on February 19, 2022.
On February 19, 2022, Robert J. Khoury attended Princeton’s Alumni Day, the first in-person alumni event at Princeton since the start of the pandemic!
In addition to reconnecting with fellow alumni, Mr. Khoury sponsored a pizza dinner for current Princeton students sharing about how to approach and succeed in internships. The Daily Princetonian, Princeton’s independent, daily, student-run newspaper, hosted the event. Rob shared internship insights and tips, and answered student questions during the evening.
How To Intern Successfully Book Launch Bash
Mr. Khoury with his wife, Mary, and friends celebrating the launch of How To Intern Successfully at the Book Launch Bash on April 23, 2022.
On April 23, 2022, Robert J. Khoury and Agile Rainmakers presented a long-awaited book launch party to celebrate the publication and early success of Mr. Khoury’s new book How To Intern Successfully: Insights & Actions To Optimize Your Experience.
Mr. Khoury was joined by friends, family, and colleagues at Corcoran’s Grill & Pub in Chicago. Festivities included an internship quiz, a game to introduce everyone at the party to each other, book-themed party gifts, and a book prize giveaway.
It also happened to be Mr. Khoury’s birthday!
Princeton Club of Chicago: Intern Like a Pro
Mr. Khoury speaking to Princeton students and alumni about the importance of planning and preparation when conducting internships on May 12, 2022.
On May 12, 2022, Robert J. Khoury shared his best practices and tips for interns and employers hosting internships just in time for summer 2022 internships. The event was targeted to Princeton students, alumni and parents in Chicago interested in having and hosting successful summer internships.
Find out more about the event here.
Junior Economic Club of Chicago: A Guide to Future Internships and Consulting
Mr. Khoury with students of the Junior Economic Club on July 24, 2022.
On July 24, 2022, Robert J. Khoury spoke to members of the Junior Economic Club of Chicago about misperceptions in internships and gave them guidance on how to succeed in future internship opportunities. He also provided insight into the consulting industry.
Attendees received signed copies of Mr. Khoury’s book, How To Intern Successfully!
CAFE Conversation: A Conversation with Rob Khoury
On July 26, 2022, Rob Khoury spoke with The CAFE Group about the importance of an internship and managing up, as well as how to leverage the opportunity to boost your career. At the end of The CAFE Conversation, Rob also answered a few internship-related questions from the audience!
PAWcast Feature on Improving Internships
On October 10, 2022, Robert J. Khoury was featured on PAWcast, a podcast from Princeton Alumni Weekly (PAW).
He discussed his experience taking on interns for the first time, how it changed his perspective as a manager, and why he is passionate about bringing dignity to internships through effective internship design. In his upcoming book, Intern Management, Mr. Khoury will dive deeper into how managers can best design a successful internship and prepare students for the experience.
To listen to the podcast, click here.
Featured on Security Traders Association
Robert J. Khoury was featured on a webinar from the Security Traders Association on November 25, 2022.
In five sections of discussion, Mr. Khoury spoke with Jim Toes, President and CEO at Security Traders Association, about his book How To Intern Successfully, important misperceptions about internships, how to ensure an internship is rewarding, how to start searching for the right opportunities, and critical parting tips for those seeking internships.
To view the webinar, click here.
Presentation to the Romanian Community Center Chicago
The head of the Romanian Community Center introducing Mr. Khoury on January 13, 2023.
This January, Robert J. Khoury gave a presentation to some young members of the Romanian Community Center of Chicago.
Mr. Khoury encouraged the young attendees to seek out internships that were both challenging and informative while also fun and interesting. He shared great information about job opportunities, mentorship, how and where to apply, what to look for, and how to adopt a positive, growth mindset when starting a career journey.
College Knowledge Podcast
On February 3, 2023, Robert J. Khoury spoke with the hosts of the College Knowledge podcast, a show focused on the college admissions process and how college-age students can best take advantage of educational and professional opportunities to advance their goals.
Mr. Khoury talked about internships, professional networking, and career development, highlighting important takeaways from his book How To Intern Successfully.
To view the podcast recording, click here. It is also available on Apple and Google Podcasts and Spotify.
Presenting with Princeton Business Today
On February 24, 2023, Robert J. Khoury presented to Princeton students while attending Princeton’s annual Alumni Day. He discussed the benefits of successful internships and the many ways to make the most out of the experience.
It always provides Mr. Khoury particular joy and encouragement about the future to assist students of his Alma Mater as they start their professional lives!
Presenting to the Junior Economics Club of New York
On March 11, 2023, Robert J. Khoury spoke with members of the Junior Economics Club of New York. Featuring important concepts from How To Intern Successfully, students learned key concepts like organic networking, becoming more other-centered, and how to welcome inevitable mistakes — they are actually learning opportunities after all!
Presenting to Pinewood High School
On April 12, 2023, Robert J. Khoury led an interactive conversation about internships and high school preparation to a group of 15 juniors and seniors at Pinewood High School who have recently completed outstanding social entrepreneurship projects. Special thanks to Social Entrepreneurship teacher and English Department Faculty member Michelle Gannon for hosting this event in her class!
Presenting to Visual Comfort & Co.
On July 24, 2023, Rob presented to Visual Comfort & Co.’s interns at their headquarters in Glenview, IL. The subject was “The Internship Close Out.” We discussed how to present internship work, some important tips, and authorship. Thanks to CFO Joe Miller and HR Director Noelle Jackson for this wonderful opportunity.
Presenting to Orange Vista, LLC.
On August 2, 2023, Brigitte Anderson, Founder and Principal at Orange Vista, LLC., a B2B consultancy, invited Rob to present to her interns virtually. We discussed how to wrap up the internship with dignity. The three interns and two full-time staff were delighted. Thank you Brigitte for the invitation!
Presenting to The University of Michigan: PSE Business Fraternity
On October 24, 2023, Rob presented to the University of Michigan Pi Sigma Epsilon Business Fraternity. Rob shared important advice on finding internships, selecting the right internship, and interning successfully. Rob thanks Kate Rassin and Josh Shepherd for hosting, and the 33 students who attended the event. They had amazing questions, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
Presenting to ION Houston
On December 7, 2023, Rob made his first presentation for his new book, Intern Management: Principles for Designing an Exceptional Internship on Zoom to members of ION Houston. Thanks to Christine Galib for organizing this informative event sharing about how to structure an exceptional internship by leveraging the 9 principles outlined in the book. What a fun time doing it newly!
Presenting to the Junior Economics Club of Honolulu
Rob presenting to the members of JEC Honolulu.
On December 9, 2023, Robert J. Khoury spoke with members of the Junior Economics Club of Honolulu. Featuring important concepts from How To Intern Successfully, students learned key concepts like organic networking and how to succeed in future internship opportunities.
Thank you to Jackson Ibarra for organizing the event!
Presenting to The University of Wisconsin - Whitewater: PDT Fraternity
A group photo of Rob Khoury and members of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity following the event.
On December 10, 2023, Robert J. Khoury presented to the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Rob shared personal experiences as an intern manager while providing advice on finding an internship, choosing the right one, and playing the right game. Rob thanks Dalia Thomas and Adam Davidov for arranging the event, and the 30 students who attended. They were so attentive and grateful. What a pleasure!
Presenting to the Junior Economics Club of Chicago
On December 16, 2023, Robert J. Khoury presented to members of the Junior Economics Club of Chicago. The presentation touched on important concepts from How To Intern Successfully. In preparation for their internship search, students learned about organic networking and how to research industries they are interested in learning about.
Agile Rainmakers 5 Year Celebration
On December 20, 2023, Agile Rainmakers celebrated its 5th year anniversary. The event was attended by friends and family of Robert J. Khoury, including current and former interns.
The event also celebrated the publication of Robert’s second book, Intern Management: Principles for Designing an Exceptional Internship.
Presenting to the Princeton Association of New England
On December 27, 2023, the Princeton Association of New England invited Robert J. Khoury to speak to members about the principles behind a successful summer internship.
Agile Rainmakers is thankful for the opportunity to have shared with the Princeton Association of New England.
Presenting to PACE (Payton Alumni and Community Endowment)
Alumni and community members from Walter Payton College Preparatory High School invited Robert J. Khoury to speak to PACE (Payton Alumni and Community Endowment) on January 9, 2024.
Students and alumni listened as Rob shared best practices and principles on how to intern successfully.