Abundant Waters (Intern Edition)

Join me today on a journey of abundance and see what you see. Yes. Give up what you tell yourself about scarcity, not enough, never quite there, and some day but alas not this day. Let it all go and free yourself of your own limitations. That’s what this newsletter is all about.

Dancing In Abundance

Looking out my window as I write I see water – lots of it. Water comes in drops. Yet, there are so many of these precious droplets together something truly grand has emerged. We call it Lake Michigan.

Now think of money, liquidity. Around $400 trillion is in the global financial system. What about opportunities? We are currently overflowing with approximately 8 million U.S. job openings. And companies? There are over 350 million globally. What about internships? How many are out there? 4 million, just in the U.S.! In a flood of plenty, we do swim.

Often though you swim a backstroke to scarcity. So much so when someone asks you to donate you tighten up. A request is made and you get cautious. You receive one rejection and you feel like the world is ending. You live like your well is dry. But why, especially when the truth is we are dancing in an overflow of everything. So, what is there to do?

Enter The Greatest Electrical Engineer

First, I am sure you know your brain has 100 billion neurons and over 100 trillion synaptic connections. All your brain does is process electrical stimulation. Everything – touch, smell, sound, sight, taste – is ultimately processed as an electrical signal. Your brain is the greatest electrical engineer in the world, and you have a great one. So, you are already living abundance. See? 

Now what if you commit to thinking from abundance? Rewire your brain to think, “How can I bring abundance to this situation?” and take action consistent with that. That’s all. Simple, not easy, I know. So, practice. You have what you have. You don’t have what you don’t have. Now, how is your life abundant?

Your View

Long ago I learned the context is decisive and you do find what you are looking for in business and life. At this point you may have lived long enough to know that you don’t have to look for love when love is where you are coming from. And there is no limit to love in the world.

And there are no limits to your business and life. No limit to inspiring yourself in your quest for an exceptional internship. The journey of abundance is yours to take, yours to create, and yours to give. 

There is a lake outside your window too. I see its abundance. What if you did too? 

Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


An Inspiring Brook


Agile Surfing (Intern Edition)