Affluence At The Confluence


Just as small streams flow into larger streams or rivers, so do college students flow into the wonderful world of business as interns. The point where a small stream meets a larger stream is called the confluence. Let’s examine this phenomenon as it relates to aspiring business leaders of the future, otherwise known as interns. 

The River of Business

Every year, millions of college students intern at various companies throughout the U.S. They are keenly interested in gaining useful experience, developing knowledge, and building relationships. Like droplets, by and large, each makes a relatively small impact, but together they make up a trend which will feed into the existing mighty river of business called our economy. These students are fresh. They want to ride bigger and stronger waves in their future. The tributary they hail from is typically a college that’s preparing them for life. By interning, students naturally paddle towards their careers. 

Where the intern meets the company is a confluence between their college experience and the real world of business. For those of you who have been in the flow of business for many years, you know that there are certain rules in college that do not match well with work experience. For example, in college, you may not need to show up to lectures and you may not be missed. And if you study hard, you might still get a great grade. Meanwhile, in business, showing up is 80% of the game. It is not just your work that matters, it is how you present it. In college, days are split between classes and breaks. Much of that time is passive. In business, days tend to be 8 hours or longer every day with few breaks. Indeed there are different rules on the mighty river of business, which a great internship can assist with. 

So here we are, at the confluence of college and business. How does an intern learn to adjust, and what is the responsibility of the business community to ensure success for these future leaders? 

An Affluence of Affluents  

When we hear affluence, we naturally think of wealth. Where is the wealth here? The wealth is in the resources and decades of experience that business leaders can share with college students. Wealth is also present in the abundance of energy, creativity and awe -- beginner’s mind -- that students bring to an internship. The confluence of the affluence is what an extraordinary internship looks like, whereby the main river of business is strengthened by the fresh streams of vigor and zest for life. Designing that confluence is where opportunity lives for the business community. It is the business community’s responsibility.  

Agile Rainmakers has designed a unique internship program that is a confluence of college and business. To assist both interns and companies, a new blog specifically for interns to share their experiences of joy and empowerment in the world of business is in the works. The intention here is nothing less than the transformation of internships and how they are delivered for students and companies. Getting the confluence right will make all the difference. If not, then the small streams will not feed into and positively impact the larger river of business. Just as water needs to go somewhere, these young bright minds will go somewhere else and the economy will not achieve its potential. 

Future Tributaries 

As a preview, during the month of August, Agile Rainmakers will be publishing numerous newsletters from summer interns sharing about their experiences. When you read them, please think about the future these college students are creating for the business community. 

Embrace the affluence at the confluence of the affluents. What if we all paid tribute to the tributaries flowing into the sinuous river of business? 

Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


Embracing Progress (Intern Edition)


Surprising Rainbows