Joyful Collisions

Alumni Day at Princeton is always inspiring. Truly extraordinary students and alumni are acknowledged. The work these people do is stunning, including serving as a public interest technology summer fellow in D.C., researching the Third Law of Black Hole Thermodynamics, or, my favorite, inventing something called the internet. They each demonstrate the energy, drive, and wherewithal to make a long lasting impact.

Lake Manicouagan

Have you ever heard of impact crater lakes? These lakes are formed by the aftermath of a celestial body ending its journey on our planet with a bang. Depending on the size and speed of the heavenly object and the ground it touches, a crater forms. Years later the effect can be a dazzling ring-shaped or annular lake formed around its rim as water fills up over time. That water typically comes from snow melt or groundwater or even regular old rain.

There is a well-known one in Quebec called Lake Manicouagan. Over 200 million years ago a meteor left its mark and today a massive inland island sits inside this 60-mile wide natural phenomenon. That island has a self-referential reservoir and an ecological reserve. It is called the Eye of Quebec because from space – from whence it came – it appears as so.


So, a shooting star caused a beautiful water formation on earth. That impact is forever a marvel of beauty and wonder. Likewise, the Princeton awardees are stars speeding along leaving an impression on all those they impact through their words, deeds, and thoughts. Rings of inspiration and splendor can be seen from very far away. Their impacts are immeasurable as they leave reservoirs of hope and possibility.

And thus it is so for you, dear reader. The people you impact through your business and life impact the people around them. They then impact the people in their lives, and so on, and so on. One could even imagine an annular human impact that radiates out from your speaking, listening and actions. Every interaction creates moments of impact with others that reverberates beyond your imagination. In fact, just write out a list of the people you talk to daily and then list the people they impact daily and start to see how you matter so.

Awards Ring On

What if every day you were working towards an award? Perhaps one that moves, touches, and inspires you. What if you thought from the ontological annular implications of your earthly collisions? You are not an island. You are the source of a future ring of human impact that you can’t even imagine. So rock on, and ring on.

Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


An Inspiring Brook