Ripples of Success


Imagine. Imagine this year exceeds all your expectations in business and life. How did that happen? How did you get the most out of this year? For me, the year started last month when I began the process of reviewing and reflecting on nearly every day of the year 2020. In doing so, I got to a space of acceptance and peace, and I created new possibilities for 2021. Those possibilities are fitness and rejuvenation, curiosity and organization, integrity and abundance. With these in mind, I endeavor to live true to these ideals throughout the year to propel Agile Rainmakers and its clients to the next level. 

That means doing things like exercising daily, eating healthily, and keeping a beginner’s mind in endeavors both old and new. It also means asking questions, researching deeply, reading insightful resources, planning each day in detail, and doing so with a very high level of integrity. Lastly, keeping in mind that abundance is everywhere and choosing to look for it when it is not obvious.


Over the years, I have garnered numerous useful techniques for performance. In reviewing last year, I realized that making one simple change - or you could say causing a ripple in the status quo of my day to day living - yielded far better results than I would have expected. In 2020, I followed a technique that for years I knew to do but resisted putting into action. What I did was write down my intentions as I took actions. The effect was I remained conscious of my intentions, and that awareness led to a ripple effect of greater success.

What ripple in your placid day could make a difference? Like me, you know what to do. So just start doing it, and do it with integrity. Said simply, do what you know works, and do it in a way that honors who you are and what you are up to in business and in life. Acknowledging this got me thinking about sharing more useful ideas in this newsletter that could cause ripples of success for you.


The next time you are talking to a group of people, don’t ask, “Would anyone like to . . . ?” Instead ask, “Who would like to . . . ?” Then be quiet. What you will find is someone will step up. When you ask, “Would anyone . . . ?” the natural response is “No.” Look for opportunities to ask, “Who . . . ?” You will be surprised at what happens. 

This touches on another incremental change. Take out the words “anyone,” “everyone,” “everybody,” “anything,” and “all” from your vocabulary. Get specific. “Everyone” is the same as “No one.” “Everything” is the same as “Nothing.” If you are marketing a product or seeking an audience, you are appealing to somebody or someone. It’s counterintuitive because you want to appeal to everyone. I know. And, being specific provides far better results. If you try to be all things to all people, particularly as a fledgling entrepreneur, the odds against you are higher. When you go surfing, you don’t surf all the waves, you surf a specific wave. It’s almost like you’ve carved out your niche in the community of waves out there. Specialize in a niche and focus intensely there. A quote to remember is, “The riches are in niches.” Keep that in mind as you focus on growing your business. 

More incremental ripples for your new year: show up to your meetings with an intention for the meeting and an open mind to where it could go. The intention keeps you and others aligned and focused on why you are convening. This leads to more productive and shorter meetings overall. It also leads to meetings people look forward to. Ever have a work meeting you didn’t look forward to? Let’s ripple our way out of that with a stated intention for meetings in 2021.  

The second is to be open to possibilities outside of your intention. Being open doesn’t mean you need to address them then; new possibilities can be explored in a future meeting. I once had a meeting with a potential recruiting candidate thirteen years ago. Instead of recruiting the candidate, I listened intently and ended up investing in his nascent hedge fund. Years later I became his chief operating officer. Be open. 

In Closing 

Where could you introduce ripples or incremental changes to your business and life? It will take giving up the status quo and it will take risk. However, when you do so you start to go beyond what’s predictable, and you start to achieve success that exceeds your expectations. If you can master adding many ripples, you start to know yourself as someone who causes your own success because you are experimenting and discovering what works best for you and your business. 

There are many possible ripples to life and business. For 2021, I wish you the good sense to think and implement useful, incremental changes - or ripples - to your day to day operations that allow for the possibility of breakthrough results. This year, ripple your way to success. 

Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

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Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


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