The Ideal Client

It’s such a worthwhile endeavor, getting really clear about your Ideal Client. To give you an idea of what that might look like, here’s what we here at Agile Rainmakers know about our ideal client:

● The ideal client is passionate about their mission.

● They have highly committed employees who believe in the mission.

● They embrace a unique, strategic mission in the marketplace that they have intentionally developed themselves.

● They have a vision of where they are going over the next five years. They would have articulated goals for the quarter and the year.

● The ideal client has a vision of operating and executing their business practice with clarity, power, and freedom.

o Clarity to understand their challenges and their goals.

o They experience power through understanding and valuing their company’s skills and their employees’ intelligence, and that they have the potential to achieve even greater goals with the efficient application of their resources and skills.

o An ideal client values freedom; the ability for its employees to feel fulfilled in their work, experience abundance, and for the company to constantly seek managed growth.

● An ideal client is more interested in listening than talking and in learning than teaching. They are interested in expanding what they know versus sticking to what they have done in the past. They are adventurous.

o They are willing to catch the next, bigger wave.

o They are patient, because not every wave should be taken.

o They are also fun to be around and to talk to, even when things are against them.

● They would embrace innovative thinking and have a company culture of innovation.

● They are respected and admired by their competitors and the marketplace.

● Customers are loyal and trusting of the company. Customers find it a joy to work with the company. They are profitable and have access to capital, coming from abundance not scarcity.

● The ideal client is comfortable with failure, and would fail early and often with their endeavors.

● They have products that are priced to ensure value creation for the customers. Products that are unique and consistently exceed expectations.

● The ideal client openly communicates their goals and expectations.

o They are timely and consistent in communicating with Agile Rainmakers and its employees.

● They acknowledge they need Agile Rainmakers’ assistance and want to implement recommendations knowing full well there are no guarantees in business.

● They have the resources to implement any recommendations Agile Rainmakers might provide.

● An ideal client is willing to work with Agile Rainmakers to expand and grow through ever increasing goals and expectations. They are mentally flexible.

● An ideal client is respectful of Agile Rainmakers’ efforts to help them succeed.

● The ideal client is led by a Founder and/or CEO who fosters teamwork, mutual respect, and cooperation. This leader also holds clarity, power, and freedom as core values and seeks to foster their development in the company. They operate with an attitude of respect, integrity, and balance.


The Summer Riptide