t h e b l o g

Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

The Great Realization

Many of our friends aren’t feeling great in their jobs these days. There is a palpable lack of fulfilment and satisfaction at work for many and that has led to a drought of vim felt around the office, domestic or otherwise. What does it mean? And what’s the creative water analogy?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Reflective Emergence

Ever feel like you should reflect and review on the year but just don’t want to do it? If you are like me, you may have felt that way recently too. Why look in the mirror and deal with what you find, even if you know it is good for you? Let’s take a critical view and see what emerges from internal reflection, shall we?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

A Canoe in the Ocean

“O God, thy sea is so great and my boat is so small,” opens an old Breton fisherman's prayer. But today, the sea has grown into an ocean and our boat has shrunk down to a canoe. What to do? Discover keen insights about yourself and others. Why not use personality tests to empower yourself and your team at work? They come in handy with our colleagues, not to mention those close to us whom we’ll be dining with on Thursday.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury


November is here, and naturally it is time to begin expressing gratitude for everything in our lives. Each of us feels a sense of thankfulness for all that’s been given to us throughout the year. This is felt from now through the end of the year, especially when many gifts are exchanged in December. It is predictable, and with it comes all the stories in the media talking about the difference gratitude makes. But what if we are actually missing the boat on gratitude? What might be found?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

A. B. Sea Ya!

Recently, you could feel it. Many of us around the world felt our focus drift into the sea. How could that be? After all, success was flowing, we were riding the crest and beauty was truly present, found in all our various and wonderful endeavors. What happened to knock us off our game?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Misty Business

Fall brings about certain feelings in each of us. This time between summer and winter allows for personal reflection - the fun in the sun just passed, and the falling leaves and snowfall await. It is part of a natural cycle in life, full of emotion. How does this phenomenon affect your work? Do you happen to be feeling misty today?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Water and Growth

All living things need water to grow. One way or another, in all endeavors, water is a required input for growth. And water can take lots of different forms. Every day, we use a product of water to learn and grow. Can you guess what that might be?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury


How do you feel about bubbles? Just saying the word brings a smile to my face. Bubbles! Bubbles bring about a feeling of joy. Maybe because as kids we enjoyed fun bubble baths? Maybe it is because bubbles can float in the air for a fleeting moment with timeless beauty and a connection to the eternal? Whatever the reason, bubbles are all around us.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Lessons Learned (Intern Edition)

There are many lessons you learn for the first time as an intern. While at Agile Rainmakers over the winter, I quickly learned the importance of knowing what the client expects you to deliver. Returning to Agile Rainmakers as a private equity intern this summer, I learned that auditors do not change the valuation of companies until they raise a new round of funding, which can hide changes to a firm’s value in financial reports. Here, I cover three key lessons I learned about communication and clarity through my internship.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Riding The Crest (Intern Edition)

The sun just barely starts to peak over the horizon of the Pacific Ocean – its golden light warms a thick layer of billowing clouds floating in the far-off morning sky. The sound of the ocean swelling and breaking on the shoreline is tranquil and beautiful, but dangerous and powerful at the same time. It’s a meditative juxtaposition that’s reminiscent of the balance required for surfing – and my summer internship at Agile Rainmakers.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Embracing Progress (Intern Edition)

We live and work in a technology-driven, progress-seeking world. So, how does one define progress for themselves every day? And how does this affect our workdays and personal lives?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Affluence At The Confluence

Just as small streams flow into larger streams or rivers, so do college students flow into the wonderful world of business as interns. The point where a small stream meets a larger stream is called the confluence. Let’s examine this phenomenon as it relates to aspiring business leaders of the future, otherwise known as interns

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Surprising Rainbows

Last night I attended a spectacular rooftop 50th birthday party here in Chicago. Upon entering, I gazed upon one of the most amazing rainbows I’ve ever seen or felt. What a lovely surprise! Naturally, it reminded me of some powerful business concepts. What benefits for your career and life can be found in a rainbow?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

See One, Do One, Teach One

With each morning's sunrise, the daily impact of the global pandemic keeps dropping precipitously here in North America. As this is happening, what are you noticing about yourself and others as the economy fully reopens? Is everyone sailing peacefully along these newly freed up waters of life with a sense of gratitude? Or is everyone driving their speedboats at full-throttle? Perhaps now is the time to think from see one, do one, teach one.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Getting Success Flowing

Viewing the pandemic newly can open up ideas for success. One idea is to inquire into what it takes to have success flow like a waterfall in your life. In addition to figuring out what it takes, perhaps more importantly, how do you keep it up?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

ShipShape To A Friendly Shore

Mother earth’s surface is made up mostly of water and that water carries all kinds of ships. We too are made up mostly of water. So what are the ships we carry? Let’s explore this question in the context of business and life.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Effortless Achievement

Do you want to achieve more? I do. The question is, how? With lots of struggle, or effortlessly? Let’s explore the possibility of effortless achievement in business by first looking at where it is absent and then revisiting the Summer Riptide.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Spring is for Serenity

Every year March seems to come too soon. It may have to do with February being such a short month. Whatever it is, it may feel like the year is already slipping by leading to some stress. So suppose we lightened up, smiled, and simultaneously surveyed some business ideas today?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Beauty Present

Ever hear of the quote, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?” Beauty takes many shapes and forms, just like water. With Valentine’s Day this Sunday, today we will explore beauty in business.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

You Half To

Recently, I poured a glass of water. Actually, I filled it half-way. I did it for a reason. What could that reason be and how does it apply to business and life?

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