t h e b l o g

Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Internal Waves (Intern Edition)

The experience of your experience matters. How you think and feel later about how you thought and felt back then is what you dwell on over time, isn’t it? Look closely at the holidays of near or yesteryear and see what you find. Found what I speak of? Where are these thoughts and feelings? Though we can’t yet pinpoint them medically, they are somewhere in you – your soul, your mind, and your body.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Water Imbroglio Triumph

Imagine Margot Robbie, Brad Pitt, and Whoopi Goldberg are teamed up against Chris Rock, Anne Hathaway, and Joaquin Phoenix in a water polo imbroglio. You might call that “Star Wars”, right? But no…that would be the Space Movie Drama that has nothing to do with pugnacious stars. So, what’s in a name?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Acknowledging (Intern Edition)

On December 12th, Intern Management: Principles for Designing an Exceptional Internship, the second book in the Agile Internship Book Series, will be released in the Amazon. So today we share from its Acknowledgments section. Esteemed Japanese author Ryunosuke Satoro said, “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” That ocean is bound together by kindness and acknowledgment.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Snow Globe

It snowed last night in Chicago. Did it where you are? Yes, Halloween was cold and slushy. Brrrrr! Naturally, I got to thinking all about snow – you know, water’s frigid costume and winter attire – and how it relates to business and life. This led to a snowball effect of thoughts and ideas that will surely assist you in getting out of any winter blues you may already be feeling lately.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Storm Chasing (Intern Edition)

I love going to the beach while listening to music and hanging out with family and friends. Wake up in the morning, pack a cooler, grab a football, set up the beach chairs, and struggle to get the umbrella up. Life is… great? One does not have many worries, responsibilities, or obligations. What a great getaway.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Meandering Business Waters

Our last newsletter was written by an exceptional intern. He highlighted the essence of water and how it relates to interning. Thinking back to it, I feel that so many expressions in business invoke the essence of water quite well. Let’s set sail to sea what we see…

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Flowing Essence (Intern Edition)

Water, an elemental force revered in Chinese culture, holds profound symbolism and plays a significant role in life. As I embarked on my internship journey at Agile Rainmakers, I discovered connections between the importance of water in Chinese culture and the transformative nature of my internship. Let’s delve into the depths of Chinese traditions and uncover the wisdom that lies within internships and personal growth.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Non-Linear (Intern Edition)

The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela. It’s over 3,200 feet high. That’s nearly two One World Trade Centers stacked on top of each other. Laos’ Khone Phapheng Falls are the widest in the world at 6.7 miles! In Niagara, approximately 681,750 gallons per second of water flow over the Horseshoe Falls – nothing compared to Congo’s Inga Falls’ 11.22M gallons per second! What exactly does all this have to do with business and life? Everything.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

A Summer Riptide Month (Part Two)

The 2023 Summer Riptide internship program at Agile Rainmakers wrapped up a fantastic, memorable two months on Friday. The passing of my extraordinary father midway through made it extra challenging emotionally for me. Thank you for all your condolences. I am working through it. Now what? And, how does what’s next relate to our ubiquitous, abundant friend, water?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

A Summer Riptide Month (Part One)

Water can make a road slippery, rust a ship, and damage a basement. Water can also provide enjoyment for swimmers, reflect beauty, and sustain life. You could say that water is highly skilled. It knows what to do in every situation without being told. And, it does it the same way every time. It is reliable. Mapping this to our summer interns, let’s explore in this multi-part series skills developed in Agile’s Summer Riptide program.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Knots, Minutes, and Miles

One of my favorite sayings is, “Life is won in the last quarter inch.” When I manifest that phrase, I feel the power of a race. There I am, going fast toward a finish line in no time. But how fast, how far, and for how long? This is where speed, measurements, and time come to play. Without them, what have you got in business and life?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

One And A Half Liters

I recently had an insight about business and life that left me gobsmacked. Paying attention to this under-appreciated aspect of our lives will make all the difference. The opportunity I saw in really thinking about this insight left my mouth watering with a taste of all kinds of possibilities.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury


Serving and learning together, our newsletters twin and twine water, business and life. Over the years, it has been fulfilling, especially when the often-overlooked ubiquitous aspects of the three are highlighted together. They tend to intersect beautifully to allow for countless eye-opening perspectives. So, on this fine day and with these scant words, what savory awareness leaps to mind?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Agile In Action There (Intern Edition)

You know how there are things you feel deeply about regarding business and life that you wish others felt? Some things come naturally to you and you wish they would for the people you work with. Furthermore, how often have you realized there is a thought ravine between you and the people you want to get on board with your ideas? There must be ways to get your message through. How do you bridge this mental valley?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Go Ahead Jump!

We have all heard the story of the fish that asked the other fish, “How’s the water?” The first time you hear this you expect the other fish to reply with something like, “Warm” or “Just right!” Instead, the reply is, “What water?” From this question, what unexpected insights can be gleaned?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Mountain Springs (Intern Edition)

Our intention is always to expand your thinking. We do so by weaving water analogies with business and life. We often write about internships. Recall, this passion project is bringing dignity to the internship discourse. Intern Management, the second book in the internship series, is nearly ready. Like a mountain spring from which water and life flow, an excerpt from the prologue setting up key internship principles starts thus.

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Rain Dancing

Agile Rainmakers focuses on rainmaking for high growth companies. You could say we do so in an agile way. That could be by providing strategic advice, redesigning marketing material, making introductions to sought-after people and resources, sales coaching, proofing corporate communications, sharing highly effective recruiting tactics, and leading extraordinary project work done by interns. And, if you know business, isn't it always a dance?

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Miracle of Ice

When you feel an ache, what can you do? If you have felt something off, what common remedy was recommended to you? What if you need to slow things down? What have you found that is effective? There is something out there that we use in our personal lives – and in our businesses – that is actually versatile. 

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Robert Khoury Robert Khoury

Buoyancy – The Difference It Makes

When is the last time you felt light? Was it when you were floating in water? How did that feel? Did it require much skill and if so which ones? What did the feeling of lightness make available to you? Let’s think about skills and buoyancy as they will inform us of the nuances of business and life.

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